The ghost of Frida Kahlo.
I remember her.
How are you?
Only you ghosts come
to visit these days.
how is your Diego?
I don't know why
I called him that.
He was never mine.
Never will be.
But he's fine.
Painting, I guess.
And you?
Are you also painting?
And I want you to pose for me.
You don't even have to
leave the house.
I want to leave the house.
All right, then.
We'll go somewhere different
every day.
That sounds good.
You've painted everyone else
in the family.
A long time ago.
Remind me what I wanted then.
You wanted to be
your own person.
She never liked you, you know.
She told me you would only
bring me troubles.
There is something
I must discuss with you...
A favor I need to ask of you.