Full Frontal

LEE: Well, I have to be
somewhat judgmental...

because of what I do,
you know...

so I don 't think
that it's such a bad thing...

to be judgmental.
I think that's
how you get through life.

You have to assess things...
and people do it
about you all the time...

and that's life,
and it's too bad.

CARL: I think there is
no amount of money...

I could have been paid--
there is no deal
that I could have made...

that she would not have felt
that I had been too passive...

and that--I think that...
her opinion of me
on that level...

was formed before
the movie was ever sold.

I think it has nothing to do
with the movie, frankly.

ARTHUR: It's frightening.
It's monstrous.

It's evil
to not have feelings.

So I spoke to Carl about it,
and we discussed it...

and we went immediately...
to the most monstrous

we could think of in history--
you know, Hitler himself.
LINDA: Yeah, they're always
trying to set me up...

Lee and Carl. They--
Well, they never have
introduced me to anyone...

but they always talk about
how I should be dating.

But they're
trying to set me up now...

with this producer friend
of theirs--a guy named Gus.

Uh... we'll see.
I don 't think...

a film producer's going to go
for me, but I don 't know.
