but don't care to see me kiss
a woman with my skin tone,
and would shoot me if I were
kissing a woman of their hue,
Who are you?
Who are you? Who are we?
We are human, too,
and we love loving, and,
can't a brother get some love?
That's the state of being,
a chocolate leading man
in Hollywood today,
I keep bringing it up,
I keep bringing it up,
because I don't want you
to think I forgot,
Look, you just pay me back
when you have all of it,
-I have half now, so--
-I have half now, so--
-It just feels awkward,
-Right this way,
-Thank you,
What would you like
to start with?
Some evian or pellegrino?
-Thank you,
-You're welcome,
You still going on your weekend
with that guy from the internet?
No, I haven't cancelled,
I'm putting myself out there,
I'm going,
You need money for that,
You want me to meet men,
You want me to meet men,
You could meet men there,
There'll be plenty,
I can't come tonight,
I can't,
On the internet?
How is that meeting?
It's encountering,
What airline are you flying?
That's a good airline,
Southwest, younger man,
new underwear, Tucson,
new underwear, Tucson,
What is your point?
Have you ever stayed
at a Holiday Inn?
No, Have you?
I think that's what's
really bothering me.
You know what, Lee?
You know what, Lee?
So if that's what's
really bothering you--
-What does he do?
-He's an artist,
-An actor,
-A painter,
In Tucson?
Yeah, He says the desert
inspires him,
-Lend me what?
-What is wrong with you?
Seriously, what is wrong
with you right now?
Friday. Fridays are good.
T. G. I. F. Fridays are good, Lee.
You're acting insane.
I'm going to have the squash,
But this is
a boundary issue, man!
What I do off-stage is
my process and my business, OK?