And background action--action!
Move! Move!
-Out of the way!
-Goddamn it,
Uh, looks like we're late,
Looks like,
Back to square one,
That's what he thinks,
You think different?
Like the back
of my big ten-inch,
-Come on,
CARL: One minute
I'm drinking a beer...
and the next minute
I'm unemployed.
How does that happen?
He said I have confused,
my personality quirks
with standards,
What the fuck?
CARL: You have no idea
what I have lost just now.
This goes way beyond this job.
I could lose everything.
The ripple effect.
It's the ripple effect.
It's like,"Oh, yeah,
by the way, you're fired."
"Oh, yeah, honey, by the way...
"uh, you don 't think
I'm so great.
"Guess what? They don 't think
I'm so great at work.
"Hey, maybe I'm not so great."
Hey, that's simple.
Well, there, I can write that.
I can write,
"I'm not so great."
Maybe I can write it...
a hundred-fucking-thousand
times on a blackboard--
Oh, I can teach.
I used to teach.
I love teaching.
I do love teaching.
R-139, take 49, mark!
MAN: OK, here we go!
And background! Action!
BRAD., Move!
-Out of the way!
-Out of the way!
Ohh, Looks like we're late,
Looks like,
Back to square one,
That's what he thinks,
You think different?
I know different,
Come on,
-Cut it!
-OK, we got.