Full Frontal

you got to give me
something to go on,

-We had it going before,
-Did he call?

-It's not working for me,

OK, well, if you're
going to stay for lunch,

let's talk about
whatever it is--

No, I gotta run an errand,
so next time--and maybe it's me,

All right,
We'll figure it out,
Don't worry about it,

All right. I think it was good!
Oh, thanks.

No, it's the movie,
No, it's the movie,
As far as he's concerned,
As far as he's concerned,
CALVIN: Hey, can you
hold that door for me?

-Thank you,

Got it?
Excuse me,
CARL: Oh, the film.
Well, the film--

Artie and I wrote this.
We started working together--
really writing together,
about a year ago.

We tossed around
a couple of ideas.

And Artie's a pretty good
playwright in his own right.

And we thought,
you know, maybe this--

sort of my understanding
of Hollywood and everything...

and his ability
to actually write...

would be a good combination...
and so we came up
with this idea...

for what is now
Rendezvous, the movie.

It's almost like a spy film
in the intrigue...

of this romantic encounter...
between this guy
that Calvin plays--

I'm sorry, there's a...
Uh, and this woman.
And anyway,
I think it's a neat story.

And I think it's a great cast.
Um, uh, but, uh...
Yeah. I'm sorry,
I have some--it's weird.

I'm really happy about
the project. I really am.

I got--you know, there's--
I've got issues with some of--

Actually, Calvin. Calvin is,
I think, I don 't know--

You know, other people...
get more excited about him
than I do.
