It's not to say I'm not happy
having him on the movie.
I think that's great, and
I'm sure he's very good in it.
I just don't get what
the big thing is with Calvin.
I think--you know, you picture
a role in a certain way...
And sometimes it's--
I'm not always right, either.
I know, you know, certainly
my wife thinks he's great.
I'm starving to death.
-Well, I've got it right here,
-I might actually faint,
OK, tuna, No celery,
No celery and no,
Uh, so listen...
you know that thing
that we were talking about?
Um, I can't keep--
OK, I mean--
-Come on, come on,
-Come on, come on,
I'm uncomfortable dealing
with this aspect of your life.
I don't want to talk to them,
Well, I don't want
to talk to them, either.
I don't even want to talk
to the guys I'm dating,
Well, I'm not dating anyone.
A date is not dating.
Well, you know,
someone buys you dinner,
you owe them a phone call,
in my opinion,
See, dinner--
that's where I fucked up.
It should have been lunch,
It should have been lunch,
They all seem pretty nice
to me.
Well, they don't strike you as,
like, networky, freaky,
executive types,
with their water bottles
in, like, a mesh tote bag?
This is really--
this is disgusting,
I can't eat this,
That arugula is so bitter,
It's like
my algebra teacher on bread,
I'm truly, I'm--look at me,
I'm gonna faint,
I might actually faint,
We all know how you get
when your blood sugar's low.
All right. I'll be right back.
OK. Thank you.
-You're welcome,
-I need some wet naps, too,
-Tuna fingers,
-Don't want tuna fingers,
-No, we don't,