-You're an angel, Thank you,
-Oh, you're welcome,
Oh, post-its!
LEE: See, I knew
something was wrong, I just--
I didn't know it was that.
I had that one this morning,
I need to talk to you
about something,
Why did you even pursue this?
What? Wait a minute.
You came over and spoke to me.
Now, all of this began
because of you,
Are you saying
you weren't attracted to me?
Gus told me
to watch out for you,
Gus told me
to watch out for you,
I'm forty-one tomorrow,
the age where
I could have a stroke,
in the middle of the night,
If you think I'm not going
to Gus', you're,
OK, I have a meeting,
Go fuck somebody else,
-You're still here?
-Yeah, I was just upstairs,
I was shopping
for my friend Gus,
-Are you OK?
-Oh, yeah, I'm good,
I've just had really some
sad cases today, so I'm just--
-I'm sorry,
-I'm emotional,
What did you get him?
-What did you get Gus?
Oh, They didn't have it,
-What was it?
-Are you,
-It was a thing,