Gam gai

Gimme a bowl of crab meat noodle
But the banquet is starting, ma'am
But I want noodles! I am hungry now!
They're serving shark's fin! Come eat
You crapping or what?
Cut the crap and grow up, girl
You are like a sister to me
You too shall get married
and settle down one day

It's the best number in this temple!
It says you're getting married this year
That's crazy! With whom?
Just find someone! Or you'll be cursed
But you've just say I got the best number!
It's a curse
You sure
you're any making sense here?!

Reading fortune sticks is a
very complicated science

I am Mr. Wong, not Mr. Wrong
If it didn't come true. come
kick my ass next year!

So I shall get married this year?
To be an eligible potential bride ---
--- I shall become someone proper
Starting with getting myself a proper job
