Gam gai

Kum, stocking up condoms?
Kum, I saw your new pornsite!
Kum, great costume! Let's do more
role-play at your place later tonight

Forget to tell you, this is

I'm only here to buy Pomlemon drink
It's on the other aisle. Kum!

A bit further...
I thought I was a low-key prostitute
Turns out. I was red hot

Subject to popular demand, I returned
to my improper trade

Mr. Chow!
You've scared me--- what are
you doing here so late?

It's Chinese Valentine's day today
Since we are both lonesome singles,
I've come to cook you a good meal

Let's have some
good family fun together

Let me help you
No need, just go take off your clothes!
I'll fetch you when I'm done

Kum, you're like my soul mate,
but fate keeps us apart

That's quite a presumption ---
Afraid to be stuck with me?

No. but I don't want to be
a burden to you

Those who sail together have
acquainted for a hundred years

Those who sleep together have
acquainted for a thousand

What we've been through in bed
practically makes us husband and wife

Let's drink to that
You're so strange today
You served me dinner
and read me poetry

What's up with you?
A loving man in a loveless world can love be endured?

Endure what?
Oh... my stomach is feeling funny...
Mr. Chow, you done?... Hurry!
Did you wash your hands before
you cook or what?... Quick!
