So fast? You sure it's cooked?
Is it hot enough?
It's micro-waved
I'll give you a massage next time then
My wife... used to give me
massages once in a while
But you don't see her lately
You've got to release your stress
A good meal will do just that
I forgot to pay you last time
How much?
No need
My treat
My compliment to the ground
zero medical workers
Finish the soup first
Since then, he dropped
by almost every night
I did the talking most of the time
And he just listened
I thought we got to know
each other really well
But I'm not sure if the feeling is mutual
Ooch?! That hurts!
What are you doing?
How come your hair still hasn't grown?
Pervert! You've almost torn off my skin!
That's impossible
Let me see
You bloody pervert!!!
Let go! I don't want to go down with you!
Don't go! I'll find work!
Please don't leave me!
I have done this before I married you
If I can do it, what do you care?
Just wait a little, we will be okay soon
I doubt if the loan sharks will wait for you
Let go!
Don't go!