I was meant to pay you a compliment!
Hey! Four bowls of fish ball noodles!
I'm going to take a leak
Everyone says fish-balls
makes good money
Perhaps I should try
starting my own shop!
Cousin, you work here?
I am following your suit
joining the fish-ball trade
But this is a fish-ball stall.
not a Fish-Ball Parlor!
Is there a difference?
Are you done yet?
Take this---
Cousin, how about getting
me a job at your parlor?
They only hire young girls!
Are you saying sexual discrimination
still exists in Hong Kong?!
You won't understand
Move over!
Hey, watch where you're going!
You four-eyed chick
Your skirt's too short
to cover the acnes on your thighs -
you've scored an SD or what?
It's you who score, Cyst-head!
I shouldn't have been polite with you
I think the both of you
owe her an apology!
I don't think so!
Then you think wrong!
And that reveals your lack of education ---
--- your lack of cultivation
lack of manners.
Iack of knowledge, lack of discipline...
Iack of parenting, lack of a home...
Hang in there
You're pretty tough
To a real man like me.
this is very minor pain
What doesn't kill me would
only make me stronger
You're such a cool guy
But don't stand up for me again
when I get bullied next time
Those boys are brutal
No way! Blood is thicker than water
Love is...
if you're feeling a wee bit guilty
There's this one thing you can do...
Do what?
Just guess