So what are you gonna
do about Jin-kyung?
A man's gotta take responsibiIity
for his actions, right?
What responsibiIity?
I didn't do anything.
Hey, you sIept with my sister
so you'II take responsibiIity.
We did sIeep together,
but never actuaIIy did it.
-Never actuaIIy did it.
I'm sorry. PIease heIp me.
-Down more, down more.
-PIease heIp me.
-Down more boys.
-Okay, I did it once.
PARK Dae-suh
Who toId you to use SAT
words on a memorandum?
Here, give it to me.
Memorandum. It Iooks just fine.
What's wrong with you boys?
Didn't you study at the pen?
What did you do in schooI?
Considering the circumstances
invoIving the night of May 2nd.
the aIIeged attempt at
having sexuaI intercourse
with Ms. JANG Jin-kyung
seems rather probabIe.
However, vaIid evidence
seems to be Iacking...
This is the probIem with
educated motherfuckers.
Hey, Mr. Law SchooI.
We ain't no brain surgeons.
So make it simpIe.
''I gotjiggy with Jin-kyung
Iate that night''
''so I wiII take fuII responsibiIity.''
Somewhere aIong those Iines, okay?
You ain't no WiII Smith.
Just say you did boom boom.
Getting jiggy and boom
boom...same shit.
What's so hard about
writing a memorandum?
Make it simpIe.
Just say,
on the night of May 2nd,
I did it with Jin-kyung
three to five times.
You got that?