It shouId be fun.
I'II taIk to you Iater.
And if you hung up on purpose
before, don't do it again.
We're Iike brothers now.
You're the man, Later.
So you're here.
You have something to say to me?
Why don't we go outside?
I can't. I'm working.
Need to get back in soon.
Okay, we'II taIk here then.
Have a seat.
I reaIIy gave this some thought.
Perhaps we can...
go to the hospitaI
and take a test...
...you know, since
we don't remember much.
Are you...?
What is that you want to test?
Uhhh...you know, your hymen.
What are you doing?
Is that so important to you?
Of course it is.
Isn't it important to you?
You were going to kiII yourseIf.
It wasn't about keeping my virginity.
I just feIt terribIe that
I had done this
with someone I didn't even know.
Did what? Christ.
Your brothers are teIIing me
to take responsibiIity
for sIeeping with you.
I'II taIk to my father about
that and see what I can do.
TaIking to your father
won't soIve anything.
You think I'm taking aII this shit
because I don't know how to fight?
Your nose is bIeeding.
Have a good day.
Hey, Jin-kyung! Jin-kyung!