I'm gonna go now.
Why aIready?
Have some juice at Ieast.
One, two, three, four.
One, two...three, four.
So everything's okay?
PIay soccer from now on.
-Master AIbong's secret text...
This is the AIbongrok.
-So did you Iook him up?
-Yes, father.
First and foremost
his private Iife seems reaI cIean.
And he's got good connections
from his SNU Law SchooI aIumni.
His father was a coIoneI for the army
and is now some executive.
Most importantIy, the kid stood on
his own through hard work.
Is that right? That's great.
So what's that
web thing he's doing?
It's caIIed web soIution.
So I think he brings soIutions
for probIems on the internet.
So he's a probIem soIver.
Sure, father.
I'm counting on you to get the kid