This ride costs about
a hundred grand, you know.
We shouId take this to SeouI
and drive around Apku-jong.
For what?
You know, we can pickup
some nice broads there.
And rip 'em naked.
Hey, hey.
Do you have to use
that Kind of Ianguage right now?
What wouId our to-be
brother in Iaw think of our famiIy?
Be Quiet.
Why do you aIways pick on me?
Ain't there no Iove
for us anymore?
I mean... I wanted to go
to SeouI NationaI too.
But you know, I ain't that smart
and figured it was too far from home.
So I gave up the dream.
We're not getting no Iove
no more.
Dae-suh is four years oIder than you,
so just shut the fuck up.
I'm sorry. PIease be understanding.
PARK Dae-suh here.
Very nice meeting you, sir.