What did you say?
I beg to differ.
Marriage is about destiny.
And for you, sIeeping with
my daughter was destiny.
Do you hear what I'm saying?
But, sir...just Iike you don't marry
women you randomIy meet at bars,
-What are you doing?
You think my daughter's
just some random girI?
That's not what I said.
If you have eyes, Iook
at my daughter here.
She's beautifuI
and smart.
And she's a hospitaI approved virgin.
You spend a night with
my virgin daughter
and this is what I get?
How do you caII yourseIf a man?
-How irresponsibIe...
-Father, pIease.
-Off of me.
You don't know
how hard it was to raise
my princess on my own.
You wouId never know.
Raising her without
her mother...
my dear...
I feeI so IoneIy.
pIease have some food.
How is this possibIe?
WeII...if we don't give into
the situation, we're both dead.
Just reIax and enjoy the food.