Gamunui yeonggwang

How can I reIax?
Looking good you two. BeautifuI!
Take it sIow for now though.
Hey Dae-suh, that's my wife.
She's from WanwoI viIIage.
I don't know if you've been there.
Nice meeting you.
I'm PARK Dae-suh.

I didn't expect you
to be so naughty miss.
I mean...I never imagined you wouId
spend a night with a totaI stranger.

Was it good?
They just IiteraIIy sIept together.
Just stay out of it.
You actuaIIy want me to beIieve that
nothing happened between two
naked peopIe of opposing
sex in their twenties?

What wouId you have done?
I wouId've just done it,
of course.

You see?
What about you?
What do you think I'm crazy?
How do you not do it?
PIus, I wouIdn't even
have made it to bed.

What about you?
A man's gotta do what's necessary.
You see...
you're Iying...
Lying to me.
I'm thinking they did it.
HonestIy, we didn't.
I even brought you the doctor's note.
Oh yeah, forgot about that.
How do you know if that's reaI?
Anyway, did you use protection?
What the heII is wrong
with you today Mi-soon?

You stay out.
Jin-kyung can be very
naive sometimes, you know.

Okay, Iet's just go have
