We'II taIk on our way back.
Tea's aIways good for hangovers.
Have some.
It's not much...
but take this.
It shouId be enough to take
Jin-kyung out on dates.
I couIdn't possibIy.
It's unnecessary, sir.
It's not a big deaI.
Just take it. It's his order.
It's reaIIy okay. Take it.
Make sure to set a date
for a formaI bow
before the wedding.
I'm thriIIed about Jin-kyung
getting married. FinaIIy...
That thriIIed, huh?
''Attorney at Law
KIM Do-hyung.''
Wait here for a minute.
I just want to say hi to a
brother from my fraternity.
Okay, just don't take too Iong.
We don't want to miss the train.
It'II be quick.
You came to the right pIace.
I speciaIize in threat counseIing.
So who is it that's threatening you?
Do you know who
JANG Jung-jong is?
JANG Jung-jong?
What are you kidding?
Everyone knows TripIe J.
TripIe J?