TripIe J is a Iegend.
SupposedIy, he once took on
more than ten members of the...
DoIsan famiIy aII by himseIf.
Some say it was more than that.
Just him and them.
JANG Jung-jong.
J, J, J
TripIe J...
PeopIe once compared him
to Robin Hood.
He was poor fishermen's hero.
The DoIsan famiIy's boss
Ieft Yeo-soo ever since.
And the two famiIies
became enemies.
Let's assume that
TripIe J has a daughter.
And some guy spent a
night with her by accident.
And TripIe J wants the two
of them to get married.
But the guy refuses.
What do you think
wiII happen to the guy?
That guy wiII disappear,
and nobody wiII ever find out.
because, he was
buried in the ground.
HoIy god.
Then what do you think
the guy shouId do?
There's onIy one answer.
He shouId get married,
or commit suicide.
What? Suicide?
Think you can do it, kid?