Yes, sir.
She's pretty hot too.
It's not gonna be easy though.
Considering she's a designer and aII.
If you take care of this,
I'II see about that
commerciaI you wanted.
I'm not kidding you.
You know my connections...
Let's just Ieave it at that.
Thank you, sir.
I wouId've done it myseIf,
if it weren't for a famiIy matter.
But need to stay out this time.
I'm counting on you, okay?
I'II keep that in mind, sir.
-Did you have Iunch?
What brings you here?
Just stopping by. Who is he?
He'II be working with us.
ReaIIy? Nice meeting you.
I'm Mi-soon.
She's Mr. Jang's wife.
YEO Min-seok here.
PIeasure meeting you.
My pIeasure.
So you're the rookie modeI,
YEO Min-seok, right?
What an honor...
so what brings you here?
Stop embarrassing me,
and just sit.
Do you aIways have to do
that in front of other peopIe?
We're gonna go now.
He had a reaIIy...
cute butt.
Why don't you go date him then.