Dae-suh's reaIIy something that kid.
I just thought he was
a weII educated geek.
But today, he showed us
his bravery by saving Jin-kyung.
As he shouId.
He'II be a part of
our famiIy soon.
Jin-kyung, how do you
feeI about Dae-suh?
You can taIk to us.
What do you think?
I don't know...
Don't mention it.
shouId come naturaI.
He has a girIfriend
he's been dating.
No need to worry about that.
You're right.
We don't want to
force anything between you two.
I understand what you and
father are trying to do.
I just want someone nice
and warm Iike you guys.
Except for aII the fighting.
Let's go to sIeep now.
We aII have to go to work.
I'm reaIIy in no mood to drink.
I have an important
meeting tomorrow morning.
We'II just have a beer or two.
This pIace isn't bad.
Let's go.
-Let's go.
Take this.
Bottoms up.