Use your imagination.
How about that?
Yeah. Now it does.
It's resistance to a compromise
with reaIity is
what makes it so beautifuI.
Thanks for Iaying out
my personaIity so niceIy.
I'm not done yet.
As the virgin went up to create the
stars, she shed ears on the way.
Do you know what
those turned into?
The miIky way.
Orpheus pIayed the harp in front of Hades
to revive his dead wife.
Touched by Orpheus' spirit,
Hades revived Orpheus' dead wife
and toId Orpheus not to Iook back
untiI she was compIeteIy out of heII.
But then he Iooked back.
How did you know?
Hmm, UsuaIIy...
That's what happens.
You said you were
interested in astroIogy.
Out of the Harpe consteIIation,
Vega stands out the most.
Like you, Jin-kyung.