Gamunui yeonggwang

Why did you caII me?
I'm busy as aII heII.

I came 'cause I missed you.
How oId is your teacher, Young-min?
I don't know.
You don't know your teacher's age?
Is she married yet?
I think she's singIe.
-Are you sure?

ReaIIy? You're doing okay in schooI?
WeII...there's this kid
named KIM Dong-suk.

He keeps writing stuff on my cIothes.
Take a Iook at this.
Crazy did you just
Iet him do this to you?

You shouId've stabbed
him with a penciI.

What if he gets seriousIy hurt?
You see,
bothering a quiet person is wrong.
But it's okay to stab someone
with a penciI

if that person kept bothering you.
-For reaI?
-Of course.

And as a man,
you shouId aIways keep on eye
out for yourseIf.

What's up?
I've had enough now.
What's wrong?
Young-min beat up a kid again.
KIM Dong-suk?
How do you know him?
WeII...if you Iook at Young-min's diary,
it says that Dong-suk's a bad kid.
It said he wanted to hurt Dong-suk.

Do we have to go to schooI?
I don't even have time for it.
Okay. Don't go. I'II go.
Besides, onIy man can
soIve a man's probIem.

You okay, honey?
Why don't you go get
your hair done again?

What a bad boy. Bad boy.
