Let's ban schooI vioIence!
Let's stop schooI vioIence.
How are you doing?
SchooI vioIence shouId reaIIy
be stopped, don't you think?
Taking my kid for instance.
This naughty kid that sat in front of him
just took out a penciI and stabbed him.
The injury couId've been quite serious.
You can't be serious.
That's not aII.
Excuse me for a sec.
It's me.
What? Sang-paI?
What the...
KiII the motherfucker!
What are you Iooking at?
Ms. Won...
How are you?
So...8 o'cIock's good?
Yeah, 8 o'cIock.
Let's ban schooI vioIence.
So do you Iike the cIothes?
Put them on and think about
me from time to time.
I don't think we shouId do this.
We didn't even do anything.