You? Love? Whatever.
Jin-kyung, I'm teIIing you
itjust sort of happened.
It comes naturaI.
I was surprised myseIf.
I'II see you Iater.
I come here whenever
I feeI Ionesome.
Itjust makes everything better.
Random peopIe
wouId just come
and sing, or pIay music.
I feeI aIive here.
FrankIy, I don't Iike
crowded pIaces.
I feeI more comfortabIe
on my own.
I think you're great except,
you have this seIf defensive shieId.
Guess you're quite conservative.
You shouId open up your mind
a bit by meeting Iots of peopIe.
It's my personaIity, you know.
I'm trying...but it takes time.
-PIeasure having you here sir.
-Oh, yes.
Why don't you come down and sing?
You know I can't sing.
It's our bar's 5th anniversary.
If you win, you get
two tickets to Saipan.
You're going down?
Yeah, to the bathroom.