I could spare half a dozen
of you...
Alright, that'll do.
...easier than I can spare him.
What do you say now, huh?
That'll do, for Christ sake.
Still, I think it shows dash.
Drag him off.
That's enough, kid.
You got him.
Give the boy some time, we'll
settle with a good dust up.
McGloin? How would that head
look without the ears and nose on it?
You'd better leave that head
alone, Bill.
The lads!
I think I'm gonna trim the beak
and the ears off that head.
Make a nice pot of soup out of
that head.
You can find a tastier head
than that, Bill.
There are more of us coming off
the ships each day.
I ain't got no stomach
for an Irish stew.
I heard 15,000 Irish a week.
The mighty McGloin.
Almost fish hooked by
a sprat.
And we're afraid of the Natives!
Get all of us together...
....we ain't got a gang..
...we got an army.
And all we need is a spark. One
spark, to wake us all up.
On the seventh day the Lord rested.
But before that He did...
...He squatted over the side
of England...
...and what came out of him?
No offense, son.
None taken, sir.
I grew up here.
AllI ever knew of Ireland was in
the talk of others in the asylum.
From which part of that
excrementitous island were your
forebares spawn?
It was me who played you false.
I've been told Carrey.
I'd take it back if I could.
Take it back?
But I lost proof of it in my
language in the asylum.
I was raised in a similar
establishment myself.
Johnny, I ought to kill you!
Everything you see belongs to
me, to degree or another.
But beggars, quick thieves,
here in Paradise..
...gymmills, blind tigers on
the waterfront...
...anglers and the musers. The
she-he's and the chinks.