Gangs of New York

I heard 15,000 Irish a week.
And we're afraid of the Natives!
Get all of us together...
....we ain't got a gang..
...we got an army.
And all we need is a spark. One
spark, to wake us all up.

It was me who played you false.
I'd take it back if I could.
Take it back?
Johnny, I ought to kill you!
Get out of the Points and
don't come back.

Where are you going, boil?
Come along.
Come on.
Tell us John, what's the trouble?
No trouble, Bill.
Still hiding out with
your friends?

No, I'm not with them, Bill.
I'm with you, with the Natives.
You always were a Native, as far
as I'm interested, John.

Till you became a stag.
You tell me you're a Native?
