- l think all l have is a $50.
- Yeah, that 's okay.
l think l can break that.
l think l'm making a habit
out of this.
Are you sure you're alright?
- Yeah, never better.
- Cause you don't look never better.
- You're wrong. l'm fine.
- l thought l was wrong once...
but l was mistaken.
And l'm not wrong here.
Come on, what 's the matter?
Nothing that a nice meal
couldn't take care of.
Goodbye, Sam.
- Where's Holden?
- He's in the back.
l'll butter up your sweat, baby!
You got such a tight ass!
What 's that?
Squeeze it harder, huh?
What the hell are you doing?
Hey, man!
What 's going on?
l was rearranging my collection.
lt was totally inefficient.
l had ''double penetration''
filed under ''double dildo''.
l don't care about
your Smithsonian smut.
Why was your hand on your ass?
Sometimes l gotta get a little kinky
to... jack up the old winky.
See? Here. lf l stare
at this centerfold here...
and concentrate real hard
while grabbing my own butt...
it feels like l'm feeling up
Miss September's ass!
You know, uncle Bart
would be really pissed...
if he came in and caught you
flicking your grunge.
l haven't seen you this cracky since
l gave you that Montezumaswindley.
Come on.
- Spill your guts.
- No, l can't.
Why? Why can't you tell me
what 's going on?