Holden, how can l talk to you?
You're one of those guys who have
a tray that makes boob- shaped Jell- 0.
You once bought those underwear
to lift and separate your butt.
You've got arthritis
from jerking off too many times.
l did not get arthritis!
lt 's ''carpotonal syndrome''.
Holden! This gelatin boobs
are fantastic!
They're sensitive, aren't they?
You're so tense!
What you need is a day with my
two- dimensional lady friend here.
She not only pulls out...
but she puts out.
What do you think, Sam?
lsn't the mass of the ass directly
proportional to the beauty of the cutie?
- What?
- That is the spirit!
Man, when you're down in the dump
you just gotta laugh it off!
You know what?
That 's actually a good idea.
How many surrealists does it take
to screw in a light bulb?
A fish.
Look at this article. lt explains
how a few good endorphins...
can make you smile.
Conversely, alright, it says that
if you force asmile on your face...
you can trick your body into releasing
the same feel- good endorphins...
which make you happy.
Did you know that if you change
the ''i's'' in Mississippi to ''o's''...
you get Mossossoppo?
Come on, are those
endorphins pumping?
Come on, that 's great!
Look at that face!
- Come on, look at that...
- Stop, Sam.
l appreciate the effort...
and your comedy act
is a great success.
lt 's your audience
that 's a total failure.
l gotta get some new material.
0h my God!
l think l broke it.