- Come on, let 's go.
- But Carl is the other way.
Yeah, but l gotta go now.
But you wouldn't even have this bike
if l hadn't given you mine.
You know what?
lt 's your bike and you can keep it.
Because it 's a real piece of work.
l'll give it to Carl.
l don't need you to ride my bike!
What happened to the breaks?
Sam, help!
- Sugar with the coffee, right?
- Yeah, please.
You know what l saw on the
shopping tent the other day?
They're selling action figures
of the Pope.
What are you doing with my box?
That we can play checkers.
So what do you do when there's
something you really want...
but you know you can never have it?
You become a delivery guy
for your uncle.
But becoming an artist... is that
what you always wanted to do?
So then why did you quit?
'Cause my favorite teacher
told me l couldn't draw.
People are wrong all the time.
Why don't you draw me?
Forget it.
l used to pose for art classes
all the time.
l could never do you justice.
lf you draw me,
l'll show you my etchings.
Well, l'm sure your etchings
are a masterpiece.
You really need to see the
cross- etching to appreciate it.