- Let 's see.
- No, it 's terrible.
Come on. Let me see.
l let you see.
That 's not terrible.
Why do you think it 's bad?
Look at the spatial relationships.
That 's too exaggerated.
Barely looks like you.
l made you funny- looking.
lt 's like a5- year- old did this.
l was just watching aspecial
on Picasso.
You know what he said
about his own drawings?
That he'd strive
to draw like a child.
Because he said that a child's
drawings are unaffected by rules...
and they are extremely expressive.
They truthfully show
what 's inside the child.
Yeah, but l wasn't striving to draw
like a child. Just happened by mistake.
Maybe your mistakes
are really your style.
Maybe we make
mistakes because...
deep down we really
want to make them.
l lost my job thanks to you!
l didn't make those calls, alright?
lt was my cousin Holden.
His dad own this place.
lt 's true, l tried to stop him.
You're lying.
No, really. Holden and l got
into a big fight about it.
- Yeah, right.
- Just because l'm a guy...
doesn't mean l'm out to screw you.
Why do you hate men so much?
Women are just superior to men.
- Like how?
- Like you can't have babies.
- You can't open jars of peanut butter.
- Women mature faster than men.
- Men are faster in the bathroom.
- All serial killers are men.
- Almost all cereal box mascot are men.
- Women can have multiple orgasms.
- We don't have to fake them.
- Women live longer than men.
- lt 's away we can get away from you.
- You can't take anything seriously.