No, I'm very sorry.
I'll have it cleaned for you.
lsn't that guy out of hand?
Are you alright?
Yes, I'm fine.
You apologized, but how could
he get mad at you like that?
It's all my fault anyway.
He probably felt upset.
Being too good-natured
is your problem.
He does that to you,
and you just laugh.
That's just how I am.
There he goes again.
Sir, what are you doing?
Look here.
It says the murderer came back.
Why did he do that?
Seems like criminal instinct.
Seeing that
he stirred the blood,
he was looking for something.
The murder scene is the clue. It's
written in the investigation manual.
Know-it-all. Go stuff your face.
I found this.
Throw it away.
There's no gas.
Not the newspaper bill.
Not the milk bill.
lnsurance bill. Jahye Orphanage.