Chul-joong !
What's he calling
me for, damn it?
Officer Kang !
Have some, sir.
What's your rank now?
Senior officer.
Know what my rank
was ten years ago?
lnspector. Employed specially
as an Asian Game medalist,
lnspector Kang,
Detective Kang, Officer Kang.
While others got promoted by
two ranks, I got demoted by two.
I see, Sir. You might've
forgotten, but here.
What is it?
Jahye Orphanage.
Jahye Orphanage?
Cho Myung-chul planned to
buy the orphanage on July 30.
The cost was 1 billion won.
I'm not sure how
this could help now,
but the bodies will be
handed over in two days.
Gyu-hwan keeps demanding
they be given to him.
If 2 billion becomes 37 billion,
then how much will 1 billion be?
If 2 billion becomes 37 billion,
1 billion is half, so 180, 190.
18. 5 billion won.
So Cho Myung-chul's 1 billion
could be 18.5 billion for his son.
You're right.
So when he wanted 1 billion
back to save the orphanage,
to Gyu-hwan it wasn't 1 billion,
but 18.5 billion won.
Do you remember?