Of course !
Okay, let's say this is Seoul.
The stab wound
goes down to here, right?
Busan city.
It's the Seoul-Busan railway.
Generally speaking, he's better
at stabbing than slicing.
Now look at this.
This is Abrok river.
This stab means that...
Stop bullshiting.
When examining the bodies,
the stab wound. There's one,
two. Well, a fucking lot.
The fatal wound that killed her
is the stab in the left belly.
This is how, you moron !
That's not right.
Working as a knife expert
for 20 years,
this part, Abrok river,
is the critical stab that killed her.
That's my opinion.
Asshole, look at this.
The knife missed right by the main
vein and artery. You dumb bastard.
Look at this.
If the wound is big enough
for a baby to come out.
it hurst like crazy.
If you doubt me,
want to see for yourself?
Don't touch the corpse
like that, you idiot!
That's enough.