Gonggongui jeog

A cop's life is like putting out
a fire with little water.

While you draw more water,
the fire gets big like before.
They search and prevent crimes.
As soon as they wake up,
they arrest gangsters and thieves,

but the crimes repeat tiringly
like that endless fire.

Feeling no fear
in the midst of danger,

cops get as many injuries and
scars as the medals they receive.

Fuck! Twelve years has passed
since I became a cop,

but nothing has changed
during those years.

Still underpaid,
and still can't go home.

A good husband to a wife,
and a good father to his kids
are things they never heard.

Even tonight, they' re up all
night in or out of the station.

Loyal to the country and people,
preserve peace and order,
and serve the citizens.

As long as they
don't die or go dumb,

every cop must do these things.
I'm the same as them.
That is, I'm a cop, too.

I don't do any of those things.
Sol Gyung-goo
