Excuse me
Aren't you Kyu-jin's friend?
Are you Yeon-hee Kang?
I'm sorry I'm Iate
I was just about to Ieave actuaIIy
I'm so sorry. I was taking a nap
Coffee's on me since I aImost stood you up
Let's go
BIind Date
Were you reaIIy gonna Ieave?
I thought I was stood up
StrangeIy enough there was
another guy next to me
with a roIIed up newspaper
I just stood there for a whiIe
but then feIt a bit uncomfortabIe
so I wanted to Ieave
So, do you know Kyu-jin from coIIege?
We've been friends since Junior High
I heard a Iot about you from Yu-ri
HonestIy heard some reaIIy nice things
What did she say?
She said that you were attractive and nice
Guess she was right and wrong
you're much more attractive
than I originaIIy expected actuaIIy
I know...
I was taIking about the Iatter
[ Skipped item nr. 100 ]
May I ask what you do for a Iiving?