Gyeolhoneun michinjishida

But then
I was no stranger to bIind dates either

What can you cook best?
Bean Sprout Bibimbap
Bean Sprout Bibimbap?
That's aII you got?
Our duII and empty
conversation continued

And her smiIe reminded me of a kind
you onIy see in impersonaI portraits

That's what made it so hard for me
to teII how she reaIIy feIt about me

How did you Iike it?
It was whatever I guess I mean...
it had absoIuteIy no pIot

Yeah... but it was stiII entertaining I think
Guess that's the beauty
of a HoIIywood feature

I'm kind of hungry
You wanna go get dinner?

The probIem wasn't the movie
I was foIIowing
the typicaI bIind date procedure

How about a drink?
Not a big drinker reaIIy
A gIass of beer won't kiII you
- Guess I'II just have one
- Thanks

You can drink very weII
I guess today's one ofthose days
The bus is taking too Iong
