No one's Ieft but you now
Mind your own business. I'II be just fine
Anyway, congratuIations Yu-ri
Fine my ass. Then why does
your mother aIways ask me...
ifthere are nice girIs out there?
You're getting married Iate too
Oh yeah, how did it go?
What do you mean?
Right. How was it?
I set you up on a bIind date
and no feedbacks?
- HeIIo?
- Joon-young?
It's me Yeon-hee
Oh...Yeon-hee? That's it?
Did you get home okay that night?
It's about time you ask me that
Why didn't you caII me afterards?
I was actuaIIyjust about to
Guess I shouId've caIIed Iater
I'm free tomorrow. ShaII we meet up?
What do you want to do?
You wanna go for a bike ride?
Guess it's better than the whoIe
roIIed-up newspaper scheme