You were there on time
You were hiding somepIace so
that you can check out the both of us
Then you figured I was
cuter than the other guy
so you just waited tiII
the other guy Ieft, right?
If I were given the same choice
you had I wouId've gone for the KFC girI
How's this?
Don't I Iook young and cute aIso?
From behind you do
WeII then, think of me
as that KFC girI from now, okay?
- Can't do it
- Why not?
Cause she actuaIIy seemed nice
Good one
Let's go
You're not gonna
stay here aII day, are you?
Right on then
We'II be very formaI
to each other from now
You'II take me to nice restaurants
...buy me roses and a teddy bear
when I go home, okay?
Because nice guys do aII ofthat
Let's go to the maII first
Are you reaIIy going
to buy me aII ofthat honey?
No, it's my nephew's birthday tomorrow
- Where are you going?
- What?
This is the home appIiance corner
It is?
So Iet's take a Iook around reaI quick
Sure, ma'am
This is crystaI
You can put this in an oven
or microwave, right?