Did you just hear what I said?
You think I shouId see him?
Do whatever you want
I knew you wouId say that
It's not Iike I can stop
you from seeing him
Guess you're right
But stiII
ifyou toId me not to meet him
I wouId've at Ieast acted
Iike I wasn't going to see him
Are you seriousIy thinking of marriage?
Of course. I'II get married
as soon as I find the right guy
Oh yeah? You? Marriage?
What? You don't think I can?
Ifyou get married...
don't you think that
that's sort of a crime?
I'm not taIking about the virginity thing
If a woman Iike you get married
...do you think you can be
satisfied with just your husband?
You think that's possibIe?
AbsoIuteIy possibIe
I'II never ever get caught
One thing's for sure
You and I both aIways Ioved
someone ever since grade schooI
You think that's gonna change
that easiIy when you get married?
We don't stand a chance
You reaIIy think so?