Besides, you're not Iooking
for Iove on your bIind dates anyway
You're Iooking for certain conditions
Not the person, but who they
are and what they can offer you
What do you know anyway?
I wouIdn't have gone
on that date regardIess
I didn't measure up
to your high standards
so I was good for pIeasure
Am I wrong?
I just wanted to know how
you wouId react, that's aII
I never had any pIans
for bIind dates anyway
The Wedding
It's me, Sae-un. Sae-un Ryu
Oh yeah
You remember the promise
from Iast time, right?
Do you have that CD on you?
Yeah, I brought it...where are you?
Just hoId on one sec
I'm aImost there
HeIIo, Professor
Are you enjoying the movie?
FrankIy, it's sort of boring
but watching it with you is fun
What kind of after shave do you use?
I reaIIy Iike the smeII
Oh yeah?
You can finish the rest and
return the CD to me Iater ifyou want