What are you doing?
Have a seat
How have you been?
Okay, yourseIf?
What are you doing here?
You're getting married tomorrow
Itjust sort of happened
I got things to say
to Ji-young and stuff
I need to go
Hey Ji-young! Ji-young!
It's notjust about
Ji-young, you know
I just don't know about
this whoIe commitment thing
Are you afraid of
giving up your bacheIor Iife?
If I couId run away I wouId. Man
This reaIIy sucks
AsshoIe. You don't think
it's the same for Yu-ri?
I don't know man...
don't be surprised if
I don't show up tomorrow
Do you, Kyu-jin take Yu-ri as your
beIoved wife for the rest ofyour Iife?
I was sort of counting on
Kyu-jin's marriage for some time
Because I thought it wouId be
a naturaI way of seeing Yeon-hee again
To be honest, I was regretting
what I had said to her earIier
I was positive that she wouId be
there since she was friends with the bride