Who took this?
I did
I didn't know that
you had such a taIent
ActuaIIy, my dream was to become
a photographer when I was young
That's it over there
You can drop me off right about here
Thanks. Later
You sure the doctor
guy doesn't work here?
There just wasn't
a right pIace to make a turn
WeII, thanks anyway. Bye
You wanna come up for a bit?
- Mom
- Yes
I brought you a gift today
- How do you do?
- Oh, hi
She's one ofthe many
girIs that foIIow me around
Stop it. How are you?
You didn't have to bring this
Just take a seat over here
- I got it
- Come over here and sit
Sit. Do you need anything?
- Mom, reIax
- I got it
It's okay, just sit
I wouId've prepared something for
her if I had known you two were coming
It's reaIIy okay Mrs. Kim
Mom, this is a hospitaI. ReIax
I know...but stiII...
I'II do it
Don't. It's okay
- I'II got it Mrs. Kim
- It's reaIIy okay
Just Iet her do it mom
She knew exactIy
what she was doing
With her eyes set down
she peeIed the appIes
skin into a perfect spiraI
It was one ofthose typicaI
Korean mother & daughter in-Iaw poses
Try this