No, you are right on track
What do you mean?
Same thing happened when
my brother was getting married
I reaIIy thought that the marriage
was over. They fought non-stop
I thought, ''Do peopIe reaIIy need
to get married after aII this troubIe?''
But then I found out that that was
the due process for getting married
That's aII you have to say?
Are you busy today?
Did you decide
what you're gonna buy?
I have tons ofthings to buy
You shouId've
at Ieast made a Iist
You sound Iike my fiance
You're tired, right?
Are you aImost finished?
Just take a Iook
at the dress for me
AImost done now?
Yeah, aII set
How is it?
You Iook great
He's the most
unenthusiastic groom ever
Maybe I shouId Ieave now