You got a hard head, homeboy.
Do yourself a favour.
Keep it on your shoulders.
All right. Back to work.
The attorney general
and Federal Bureau of Prlsons...
...welcome you to the U.S. Federal
Penltentlary at Alcatraz.
Mr. Hubbard, Robert Kennedy
closed Alcatraz in 1963...
...claiming it was
cruel and inhumane...
Actually, he closed it in June of '62.
Whas your question?
Some say the new Alcatraz is a step
back in criminal warehousing...
...especially now with the inauguration
of your new execution chamber.
How do you respond?
Our society has become
more violent and more corrupt.
One out of every 30 men
in the United States is...
- Whas the word I'm looking for?
- Criminally challenged.
" Criminally challenged."
Thas the catch phrase now.
- You're not answering the question.
- I think we have a generational gap.
Perhaps my younger associate
can help clear things up.
Give them a good sound bite, Donny.
Alcatraz is a bad place
for bad people.
If there's any discomfort here,
thas how it should be.
Fresh meat, dog!