Half Past Dead

You got two llbros in your bundle.
The rules and regs,
and the Klng James Blble.

I highly recommend
you read them both.

Now for those stupid enough
to think about escaping, go ahead.

Climb the razor wire.
Do the breaststroke.

Freeze your ass off.
If the bay doesn't kill you,
we'll pick you up in a Zodiac...

...and add five years
to your sentence.

There's only one way
off this rock, homeys.

And that key is under my pillow.
I'm a fair man. You come to me
with a problem, I'll listen.

Dead man walking.
This man is about to make history.
He will be the first to die
in Alcatraz's execution chamber.

It is unfortunately my duty
to carry this out...

...at midnight tonight.
U.S. Supreme Court Justlce
Jane McPherson has just landed...

...at New Alcatraz to wltness
the executlon of Lester McKenna.

She Is the judge
who sentenced McKenna...

...In the now Infamous helst of almost
$ 200 mllllon of U.S. gold brlck.

Here's the twlst. McKenna stashed
the gold before he was apprehended.

He v owed never to dlvulge
lts whereabouts...

...whlch led to the treasure hunt by
the FBI thas gone on for 17 years.

Now Is looklng llk e McKenna just
mlght tak e hls secret to the grave.

Reportlng llve from Pler 39
on Flsherman's Wharf...

...I'm Kelly Lange
from San Franclsco.
