You think Goïll go easier
on me if I do?
I think you must have done
something very bad...
...and now you're gonna pay
for it with your life.
But I think God will forgive you.
- Air 49er, whas your air to ground?
- I got zero visibility.
- Give me a ballpark ETA.
- My ETA's been pushed.
- We're gettlng close. Push back.
- I'm on my way.
Lester, there is someone
here to see you.
Hello, Lester.
"Whosoever sheds man's blood,
by man shall his blood be shed."
Genesis 9, verse 6.
You read that the day you decided
my life wasn't worth living.
The jury decided. I presided.
Is okay.
You're a long way from Pennsylvania
Avenue. Why'd you make the trip?
Because of that ruling
I made 17 years ago.
You want my forgiveness.
Thas why you came, isn't it?
It was my job to sentence you.
Now that your death warrans come
down, is my job to see it through.
Well, thas very honourable of you.
Goodbye, Lester.