There is no God.
I told you no last week.
If you're going to kill me, do it.
I'm dead already.
Are you going to take me
to the gold? Yes or no?
Yes or no?
I can't kill you, Lester.
I need you.
But there's a lot of innocent
people here I just don't need.
I'm what shrinks call sociopathic.
Know what that means?
It means I can kill everybody
in this room and not feel bad about it.
But you...
...you had to find God
to get over your guilt.
But God is dead.
And so is everybody in this room
if you don't take me where I wanna go.
What you got?
Coast Guard reports a
helicopter went down.
- Any word from Alcatraz?
- Phones are down.
- A cell house was compromised.
- Which one?
E-Block. Is temporary while
they retrofit the main house.