-Graduate of what, junior high?
-Shut up, all right?
We talk every day.
It's kind of like we're dating.
She's never even seen you...
and Yahoo chat rooms
do not count.
Yes, they do count.
Did you know in the old days...
knights used to spend
their entire lives...
courting ladies that
they would never even touch?
They would just send
each other sonnets and stuff.
That's before
internet porn, man.
Now what are you doing?
Just give me a second,
all right?
I hope Sara shows up.
And wearing
something acceptable.
She can't still be mad at us
for the last time.
Here she is. Hey!
OK, everybody listen up!
Sara, are you gonna wear this?
I thought I told you
we were gonna be on camera.
I'd like to start this off
by saying the search is over.
You six have been selected...
to explore
America's worst nightmare--
tomorrow night, Halloween...
live, in front of the whole
entire internet universe.
You six will enter
the birthplace of evil...
in its purest form--
the childhood home of
our most brutal mass murderer...
Michael Myers.
Thank you. Thank you.
So, what do you hope to find
in the house tomorrow night?
My way into
network broadcasting.
I just want to say
that Michael Myers...
is not just
a man behind a mask...
he's a legend.
I'm interested
in how Michael Myers...
the politics of violence...
embedded in pop mythology.
Never underestimate
the effect of a poor diet.
Too much protein, not enough
zinc, next thing you know...
you're cutting up bodies
in your bathtub.
Look at Hitler.
He was a vegetarian.