Tell me another story of your life.
I'm tired.
Please Maata...
Come on,
tell me one of your stories.
Just one, please.
One night, at sea,
we went out
to get our fishing nets.
Just before getting there
our propeller broke.
You know,
the propeller is like a fan.
It's what makes the motor turn.
So, the propeller disappeared
into the water.
The sea was pushing us
away from our fishing nets.
We didn't knowwhat to do.
What was there to do?
The sea was pushing us
farther and farther.
We ended up
in an area with lots of boats.
Our little boat
was impossible to control.
I got some gas, poured it on a rag
and set it on fire.
There was a big explosion!
Boats are afraid of fire
because they're full of fuel
and gas.
They moved away,
and we stayed there.
Then we moved our boat away.
Maata, were you afraid of dying?
Not at all.
Death is natural.
It doesn't scare me.
Go to bed.
Go to bed.